Spent some time at Sandringham park today. Tried to get a peak at the house to see if the flag was flying, but the walls and trees were in the way. We were told that the Queen and Prince P. were in deed at home and had greeted the public that very morning (probably on their way to church). Felt kind of strange being just a stone's throw from them!

Katie and I had a horse and carriage ride with Katie sitting next to the driver for a chat about horses and horse driving etc. He wouldn't let her have a go at driving but at least she could sit with him and get an idea of how it all happens.

Picked up some lovely meats, cheeses and olives from the farmers' market there, then had a nice stroll in the woods with Ben and Katie having a scramble over various log piles etc. A lovely day out in all.

what a lovely time , nice to see Katie, *waving :)
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