Monday, May 22, 2006

New baby birds again in our garden.

Managed to check up on our vegetable patch in between heavy downpours of rain. Everything is flourishing beautifully, but I see we need to do some weeding as well as add some more compost to the pots of potatoes.

While out in the garden, I had a quick peek at the old blackbird's nest to see if it was now empty (as the young have "flown" - see previous post here). Amazed to see mum feeding another brood of babies in the nest (very young too), so we have even more magical viewing to come.

On this subject, my Uncle has forwarded me the web site from a primary school in Portsmouth which has a live webcam attached to a nesting box. When we viewed this earlier we could clearly see a blue tit sitting and later fussing over her eggs. Makes wonderful viewing - watch it here (but not at night, for obvious reasons!).


At 9:32 am, Blogger Classroomfree said...

Ooh thank you for the webcam link, my kids love those. We watched an Eagle cam for ages, but sadly the eggs didn't hatch :-(

At 3:14 pm, Blogger Debbie Pritchard said...

oh how lovely, I could watch all day


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