Monday - a day in pictures
Had to start with this one - a true lazy individual!
We started the day with literacy, reading some rainy day poems and then writing our own. We also did some maths.
We made an "Autumn" poster using bark and twigs found in the garden and pasted the new poems we'd written on there. We'll add more as the season continues.
Ben helped make some lentil soup. He did the weighing and most of the chopping ...
... and all the stirring.
When the weather's not too good we get a few little powercuts where we are and so when our power went off during the morning we didn't think anything of it until, after an hour, it didn't come back on! Had to call our electricity supplier for help and a chappy turned up very promptly. Our supply cupboards are a little confusing as boxes have been replaced and there's switches for other bits and bobs in there too, but luckily this chappy managed to flick a big black switch to "on" to retrieve our electricity! I felt like a damsel in distress and a tiny bit like a fool, but he was nice about it. In truth, and I did tell him this, I'd already tried flicking this switch but it immediately returned to "off" and flashed at me - I wasn't going to venture near it again! Anyway, emergency over.
After lunch* of our lovely lentil soup, Katie did some piano practise. She's really enjoying teaching herself and has got to the same level as Ben now.
She decided to write a Woollie Pony song**. She composed the lyrics (with a little tweaking from me to make it all work) and the music and she told me how to write the notes.
While Katie tinkled the ivories, Ben made a 3D house out of Lego complete with little Lego man sitting at the dining table.
Ben did some piano practise too.
Much needed expel of energy on the trampoline although it was pretty cold out there.
Katie made a mini tree using a four-pronged twig and mini felt leaves.
Ben is into Star Wars at the moment so they both made light-sabers out of twigs from the garden and painted them in their chosen colours (Billy, the rabbit, looks a bit bored in the background!).
Ben also made a Darth Maul mask and the two battled away!
* During lunch we talked about an article we'd read on the typical foods served during Tudor times at Burghley House in Stamford. It was interesting to read that luxurious meals like stuffed sparrow inside a pigeon inside a woodcock inside a partridge inside a chicken inside a goose inside a peacock (re-dressed before serving with all it's feathers and beautiful tail) would have appeared on the tables of the nobles. Also, as sugar became more popular, the degree of blackened teeth due to rotting showed how wealthy one was and that people would blacken their teeth artificially to appear a better person!
** Woollie Song
Woollies run fast,
gallop through grass,
running on the beach,
sand and waves they reach.
Spooky castles for their rest,
daytime sun they like the best,
Woollies are a loving bunch
eating oats for their lunch.