'So this is Christmas, and what have we done?'
It's been a while since I blogged and it's been great to read that lots of bloggers have had a fabulous Christmas. Our Christmas has been spread over two weekends (aren't we lucky), so here's a brief run-down of our fun time. I think this will take some time, I'm working on P's machine and every time I hit a 'w' a calculator pops up (and I've just realised the inverted commas don't work either!).
Kids were naturally really excited on Christmas Eve so we went out for a walk at nearby Castor to burn off some excess energy! We hosted two Flat Travellers over Christmas (and have another Flat now to see in the New Year) so we took them along with us for a trip. Castor is a lovely, small village close to us with the River Nene running through it, so we walked through some grassland to the river and over the lock which brought back good memories of our boat holiday. A small off-shoot from the river ran alongside it where the kids were able to paddle.
K and B headed up to bed around 9ish after a few games, writing last minute Christmas lists (luckily no surprises on them) and laying out a bundle of goodies and booze for Father Christmas! We kept checking on Santa's whereabouts throughout the evening using the Norad Santa site.
Christmas morning was spent at home with whisperings from B and K's rooms from about 7ish. They discovered their Mum and Dad stockings and goodies outside their rooms and they opened them in their bedrooms before coming in to us around 7.30 a.m. - not bad eh?! B really loved his 'grow your own' Christmas tree which sprouted really quickly and looks lovely. After this we all headed downstairs to see if Father Christmas had actually been during the night (although K insisted that she'd heard him coming down the chimney!). Happy, excited kiddies opening their parcels. Mainly model horse goodies for K and a selection of science and creative goodies for B.
A furry Christmas tree with star and glitter
Jasper posing with a couple of presents -
an electronic marble run and one of K's new models.
We headed for G'ma and G'dad's home for lunch and more present opening along with Aunts and Uncle and cousins too. G'ma cooked a delicious turkey lunch with all the wonderful trimmings and most of us watched Monster's Inc. with full tummies (but we managed to fit in some Christmas pud as well). K didn't watch the film, she sat and read one of her new horsey books, but she kept glancing at the screen from time to time and has been having nightmares since!
Boxing Day was at home, just relaxing and reading with a beef and chicken evening meal (and more Christmas pud) to continue our tummy abuse! Lots of playing on the PS1 happened today - mostly from P and B who are getting extremely good at 'Wipeout' with K joining in from time to time. K seemed content with reading and playing with her new models, some small Breyer Stablemates and her Breyer Classic mother and foal.
This week we've decided to re-decorate K's room ready for her new bed (piccies to follow). It took us three hours to clear her room. Numerous boxes of her belongings currently line the hall way and looks a total mess! She's chosen 'Natural Calico' from Dulux which actually looks more-or-less the same as the 'Magnolia' she had before. Of course now it looks alot fresher and we can't wait to get it completed. I couldn't believe how much damage Blue Tac had made to her walls - it left behind greasy "bogey" (ooh the inverted comma is working now) style marks all over the place! I really hope she doesn't start plastering the walls with posters again once everything's back in, but I know how much she loves her horse pictures.
Today we headed to Leigh-on-Sea for a family gathering at my Mum and Dad's home with my sister and her family too. Mum cooked a delightful roast beef lunch and the children had fun pulling crackers and making lots of noice with extremely loud whistles! After lunch we opened our presents. The kids enjoyed dishing them all out to everyone and there was this wonderful short second of stillness before the paper ripping commenced! Among other wonderful things, K got her long awaited Feltie model horse, made to resemble the pony she rides, Gren, as well as some roller blades. B got a Lego Exo-Force man and set to fitting it all together remarkable quickly by himself. He also got a cuddly penguin from Sainsbury's which he'd been after for a while. After pressies came some traditional games - rings (hoopla), musical chairs, pass the parcel and rolling balls to score high numbers (the adults are just as competetive as the kids, especially at musical chairs!). Mum and Dad pick up old style games from antique and collector fairs they go to during the year and it's lovely to use them wondering what their history is.
K skating just where I used to skate when I was about her age!
B ploughing through the pile of Lego bits to produce ...
... Lego Exo-Force man, shown here with the new penguin.
K's Feltie 'Gren'
So that's our Christmas - it's been great fun. Looking forward to 2007 and to what it may bring for us all!
Wishing everyone a very ...
PS - I can't believe how many times I've needed to use a 'w' in this post!