Sunday, August 27, 2006

Woodland walk

We visited my Mum and Dad in Leigh-on-Sea on Saturday. We haven't seen them for quite a while and Dad's not been too well so it was lovely to spend the day with them.

After a wonderful home cooked lunch and natter (of course) we went out for a walk in Belfairs Woods, just at the top of their road. We love these woods and always take our strolls in there after lunch. We love it because there's always horse riders taking their lessons or cantering through at speed, piles of logs to clamber over and ditches to negotiate, vast amounts of squirrels that are so tame they feed out of our hands (and nip too if you don't offer them any food), a peaceful nature reserve and a riding stables at the end of the wood with horses and cats to see and stroke and lawn bowls for B to watch (he's fascinated by the game).

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Luckily the weather was lovely. We thought it was going to be dark and gloomy as the clouds loomed on the journey down, but it perked up and the sun shone for us - just perfect.

The kids ran and climbed and chatted and had a great time (in fact we all did) and yawned their sleepy heads off on the journey home. We all agreed that the outdoors was much more fun that sitting in front of a PC day in day out. Let's hope we can keep this attitude going (managed it today anyway!).

Today we went to Barnwell for a snack and cuppa mid-morning (I was cooking a late lunch for P's parents - scrummy potato, chickpea and spinach curry from "Sam Stern's Cooking up a Storm" check out my review here) - so lots of playing on the fabulous playground there (see previous post). Then home to cook and enjoy a rather full lunch.

Off to watch the new BBC2 series "Equator" which is starting tonight. Oh and I think I'd better tackle the ever growing ironing pile too!


At 12:21 am, Blogger dawniy. said...

sounds like you've had a lovely time :)
I was reading on emmas blog comments that you've gone onto Christmas already - Elle how organised is that lol it so made me smiloe!!

At 12:22 am, Blogger dawniy. said...


At 12:01 pm, Blogger Thea said...

mmmm really must get upto Belfairs Woods haven't been up there in years. Which is a shame...

Our elderly aunt lives in Leigh, so we get up there every so often.

Anyway's take care all.


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