Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Country park visit for B and me

K had a "pony day" at her riding stables so I was able to spend the day just with B. He really wanted to play the pitch and putt at the local park but it was closed at 10.30 and no one knew when it would be up and running. Much sulking from the little fella, but we decided to go further afield to a park a short drive from where we live.

This is it, set in Northamptonshire's lovely greenery. Not too hot today (it was one of those, "shall we take a jumper just in case" kind of days) although the sun shone most of the time the persistant wind took the edge off the heat. A lovely park with walks, ponds, rivers, fish (one was huge), and a great playground which B thoroughly enjoyed and he made a little friend too. The playground had some fun games like wooden naughts and crosses, a version of pinball and this maze game which B managed to complete. The swinging rope was a hit with us both!

Had a picnic and a read of B's new book about nature that his friend gave him for his birthday. B read a lot of it to me, which was refreshing, he also read lots of the signs around the park. They have nature treasure hunts, scavenger hunts and pond dipping on a regular basis (for a very small fee per child), so we'll probably return in due course with K aswell. It was lovely to spend time with B alone. Love her to bits, obviously, but K's a constant chatterbox, usually about model horse things, that B often can't get a word in edge-ways!

K had a good time at her pony day. We turned up to see her doing some races on a rather tall horse, but she handled him really well. She said she'd had two riding lessons during the day and had also done some grooming, lunging, bandaging and horse games. A very happy bunny she is!


At 1:15 pm, Blogger MY FAMILY said...

hi,my daughter megan is 5 and she really wants to go horseriding,its something i am going to have to look into.I have promised her i will try and find somewhere for her to kids would love to have a kitten,but we are already turning into a mini zoo what with rabbits,dog,parrot,bird avairy,stick insects and fish.


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