Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A reminder for me - what we hope to do this term!!!

Finish "Our World" lapbook - nearly there, just need to look at continents now.

Music appreciation
Sketch Tuesday + other art
Latin (including the Romans) ... all on a weekly basis

Cooking ... hopefully weekly!

Work towards "Brownie" badges. There are so many badges out there for the children to develop an interest in so many subjects plus to encourage them to learn a bit more about themselves, their environment, behaviour and understanding of others.

Finally conquer the RSPB Action Awards. Katie and Ben could easily work towards the Bronze and Silver badges, but we've been a bit lazy (first piece of work was dated 2006) so I think we need to start again and really concentrate on it this time!

Katie's art classes - fortnightly

We'll throw in some social too with the HE group sessions!

Stop at the end of November(ish) and really enjoy the run up to Christmas. We have some fun ideas for pressies so will need the month to do all that.




At 7:44 pm, Blogger Daddybean said...

ave looked at teh webpage. the £2 booklet - is that really needed? or can you do the activities ? we go to sandy regularly??

At 8:56 pm, Blogger Elaine, Ellies Treasures said...

Hi, yes, I think you do need the booklet really. It's a 50 page A4 book with all the different activities needed the earn points for the awards. There's four different groups of activities from pond dipping/butterfly counting, nestboxes for bats or birds/planting trees, being environmentally friendly and spreading the word! We started this with the HE group September 2006, and a few of us bought the booklets which some families may be happy to pass on to you if you ask. Elle

At 9:09 pm, Blogger HelenHaricot said...

thanks elle, it sounds worth the money at 50 pages, so will ask at rspb next time we are there.

At 3:24 pm, Blogger Hannah said...

We have made a very useful list of goals we would like to achieve this term which I hadn't thought of doing until I read yours here so thank you! I love the idea of stopping at the end of November too, we may just join you in that!

At 7:27 pm, Blogger Elaine, Ellies Treasures said...

Thanks Hannah. Elle


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