Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Quick and fun science

Katie and Ben have worked really hard to finish their "our world" lapbooks, and they look brilliant - full of info. Have decided to take a couple of weeks break before December starts, then we'll do our Christmas Notebook plus all the other exciting things relating to the run up to 25th.

I'm going to paint our bedroom during the break (as well as find all the stuff needed for the Notebook) and so far the children have found things to busy themselves. Katie's been making some whittling and woodwork as well as making lots of new headcollars and tack for her model horses (she's just sold a bridle through one of her horse forums). Ben started a magazine called "The Monthly Spark", something he began with his cousin when we were watching fireworks. He's now started a "Monthly Spark" blog which is looking good. He's also been doing lots of lego as well as helping me work out various everyday maths problems associated with painting a room!

We've re-signed up to the Krampf Experiments weekly email - did this when we first started HEing, but it seemed to die out after a while. Anyway, this week was about triboluminescence - sparks caused by electrons jumping from a negative area to a positive area when, in this case, sticky tape it pulled very quickly from the tape roll. We also managed fabulous triboluminescence by sharply breaking sugar cubes in two using plyers - lovely blue/green mini flashes happen each time. The tape experiment was OK, but produced a dull yellow blob of light! Good fun - especially being shut in the understairs cupboard with two other bodies in complete darkness! Spooky!

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