Friday, November 07, 2008

Nowt much happening ... ill and all that

Got my first proper cold in about 4 years - it hit me Monday and was more or less gone by Tuesday evening, but then came back big time Wednesday morning. Feeling heeps better today thankfully, although I thought last night I was going to start one of those awful to shift chesty coughs. Doesn't seem to be the case, touch wood.

So, children have amused themselves nicely this week as I have been having 2 hour afternoon naps (bliss) after a bit of school work. Plodding on nicely with this - Maths, English, Latin, topic work, cooking and a bit of science thrown in now and again etc., etc. Aiming to stop towards the end of November to concentrate and enjoy Advent. We're going to do a Christmas notebook; idea stolen from LaPaz Home Learning and then make some pressies and all that.

Ben's left the "contraptions" game alone now and has moved onto Sid Miers Railroads starting with the free mini download and has now moved onto the full version. Having lots of fun with it and actually it's a really well put together, educational game.

Katie's been madly finding Brownie, Guide, Cub and Scout badges to do to get some extra pocket money (£5 for 5 complete badges). I've changed the rules a little now, as she was getting through them way too quickly! Some of the badges take very little time to complete so I've added a bit of extra thought provoking activities to make her take a little longer on each project. Tonight she cooked a delicious veggie lasagne followed by a fresh fruit salad, although I still had to load the dishwasher afterwards! Once we've got some eggs she's going to make a cake of some sort and then I'll make her do the washing up!

This afternoon, as I was feeling better, I gave the Renault a quick wash on the outside ready for photos for ebay. She looks so lovely when she's clean (which isn't often living in the countryside) and I must admit I felt quite sad that she's given up and will probably go for scrap. We decided not to part x her as the journey to the car garage would be too harrowing and dangerous or us, she didn't even like be parked in her new spot on the drive way - several juddering halts before she was finally in her safe position in front of the under used Land Rover!

That's it for now I think. Time to watch the box and chill for a bit.


At 2:03 am, Blogger stefndawniy said...

awww poor car :-)
you sound to be bouncing back from your cold well.
have a nice weekend.

At 7:16 pm, Blogger Elaine, Ellies Treasures said...

Feeling much better, thanks Dawny.

At 4:55 pm, Blogger Always Learning said...

Sorry to hear you've been poorly Elle, hope you are all better now.

I've been meaning to ask how are you getting on with the latin, what resources did you use in the end. It's something I'm still keen on, but have absolute no knowledge of latin, other than a couple of well known sayings.

Do the kids enjoy it too :-)

CJ x

At 8:36 pm, Blogger Elaine, Ellies Treasures said...

Hi CJ. We're really enjoying Latin thanks. Went for Minimus in the end, although it took me a long time to come to that decision, we're not disappointed yet! Elle

At 12:44 pm, Blogger Always Learning said...

Thanks for replying on my blog Elle about the Latin, I've got the minimus pupil book which i liked, but looking through I felt it needed more.

I guess this is where the teachers book comes into's such a lot of money.... eek!

Will seriously think about it, once funds reestablish themselves, i keep looking on Amazon market place and ebay hoping to grab a bargin, but those books seem to hold their price.

CJ x


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