A quiet week, or was it?
Work is falling by the wayside. There's no excuse really, the amount of HE stuff I have saved in favourites on the internet could keep the kids and me in work until we die! We've done maths most days this week - using workbooks without any tantrums. P decided to take Wednesday - Friday off work so it was a good excuse to not do anything too formal in the work line (that's my excuse!).
Having said that, we had a brilliant group footie session on Monday which B joined in. He's always been a dab hand (or foot?) at footie from a very young age and he plays left footed too so a couple of year's back we encouraged him to try a local under 8's team which turned out to be a disaster as he was just too shy to join in. He wasn't too keen on the idea of playing footie with a "coach" with the group, and when Monday morning dawned he greeted me with tears. Luckily he seemed to sort himself out emotionally and by the time we'd reached the venue and seen his friends he was away, not a care in the world. He loved every minute of it, as did all the others that joined in, listening to the coach and trying hard with the footie skills games and mini-match. Naturally we had to play footie together for the rest of the day (because he knew all the tricks and the rules and everything and well, I was just "rubbish" at footie compared to him!).
K had a sleepover Monday night and B and I went over to pick her up on Tuesday and stayed for a lovely lunch before heading home to pick up Allie who'd had his teeth seriously cleaned (and one extracted). This left me with a serious hole in my purse (this is happening a little too often these days), but at least he's a lot happier and no longer stinks of fish whenever he licks himself!
Wednesday P had his day off so we all headed over to our (hopefully soon) new village to spy on our (hopefully) new home, have a picnic (and play yet more footie) in the small park and watch the low flying RAF planes over the marshes practising their firing skills. Maybe from this you'll be able to work out where we're heading for (hopefully) soon. Lovely day, so warm, it's brilliant.
Thursday we did some "work" in the morning in the form of maths and also K and B started new mini-movies inspired by this wonderful website with lots of interesting IT things to do. K has filmed her version (using the digi camera and then we'll load it onto Quicktime or similar to spruce up). B's going to do his version either over the weekend or next week (we ran out of time - moving the figures a millimetre a shot takes a very long time!). After lunch K and B had friends over and I had a nice natter with one of the mums.
Friday - group session on the human body which was really well thought out and enjoyed by all. K certainly enjoyed making and eating a healthy pizza! Among other things B and his friends measured various bones in their bodies (and compared) and tried doing a pulse exercise but eventually we had to acknowledge that all three boys were dead, we couldn't find a pulse on any of them!
So, now I've recorded all the things we've done, it seems we have accomplished some learning after all!
Fun things picked up from other blogs are this and this. Not sure about the "snap shot" thing, it may get annoying especially when it's attached to all the photos. I'll have to remember to turn it off for them I guess. The "emotion" one is fun, it took a while to find the right one for my mood tonight. Perhaps "broke" would have been good after Allie's expensive bill earlier in the week, but the one I've chosen relates to the house move - we're getting bored with waiting!